Redwork, Embroidery, Applique, Dulcimer, Quilt Patterns of Folk Musicians
"Tell Me a Story - I'll Sing You a Song"
This pattern book contains 22 line drawings of folk musicians that can be used for needlework, including redwork, applique, 'thread painting' machine embroidery, or hand embroidery.
The patterns in the book are: autoharp, banjo, bodhran, bones, concertina, fiddle, folk harp, guitar, hammer dulcimer, harmonica, hurdy gurdy, jaw harp, limberjack, mandolin, mouth bow, mountain dulcimer, penny whistle, stand up bass, storyteller, washboard, washtub bass, zither. Instructions for the wall hanging on the cover are also included
Not shown jaw harp and stand up bass (jaw harp player looks similar to the harmonica player)
Books sell for $6 US + $3 S&H Checks and Money Orders accepted.Email for mailing information.
Here are some examples of ways to use the patterns. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger picture.
CD with designs for embroidery machine also available for $15 + $2 S&H. CD includes following formats: hus pes pec vip xxx pcs jef
Quilt using the designs from CD
Coming soon folk instrument embroidery designs CD.
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